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Upcoming Events

  • Forest Bathing Deep Connections
    Forest Bathing Deep Connections
    Date and time is TBD
    Location is TBD
    This 4-part series guides guests through the components of forest bathing, offering in-depth instruction for deeping one's own poersonal Shinrin-yoku self-practice and abilityto connect deeply with Nature. This is not a certification course. Price $TBD. Series kickoff: June. 4 meetings per month.
  • Nature Book Club
    Nature Book Club
    Date and time is TBD
    Location is TBD
    Let's all dig into a great nature-focused read, whether fiction or non-, and gather monthly for a 1-hour forest bathing walk including tea ceremony followed by a 1-hour book conversation. You are welcome to suggest good reads, best days and times!
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